Copy chat? Copy that.
Want to talk tone of voice or ponder brand positioning? Or fancy a natter about story structure and why it matters to businesses? You’re in the right place.
Oi, Barclays. Have a word.
I don’t love calling my bank at the best of times. It usually means I’ve overspent again. But one recent call left me seething, all because of a single word…
The EU: explaining the little things in a big issue
With many voters unsure how they’ll vote in an EU referendum, how can the ‘in’ and ‘out’ camps win them over? The right words are the only answer…
CopyCon rambles #3: Web project woes
OK, these...
CopyCon rambles #2: I swear, by the moon and the stars…
Before I...
CopyCon rambles #1: What does Twitter mean for tone of voice?
How come some...
Words, meaning, and looking like a weapon
The English...
Monster ideas from the Ministry of Stories
Last weekend...
Talking politics: UKIP and ‘common sense’
Learning from literature
There are...
WEP: Whose equality party?
When it comes...