It’s been almost two years since I handed in my key fob, tore up my travel card and became a freelance writer. That’s right – time doesn’t so much fly as screech hysterically through the sound barrier.
There are things I miss about office life: workmates, free digestives, the ignorant bliss of never thinking about tax codes. And there are things I don’t miss – communal fridge full of brown salad-mulch, anyone? All in all, freelance life has been a blast. And I’ve learned A LOT.
Now seems a good time to look back at the projects that went well, as well as some of the curve balls that came along. After all, the things I’ve learned won’t just help me to do better work – they’ll help clients (like you?) run projects that are more cost-effective, more straightforward, and more successful.
So, have a look at my posts about:
1. The perils of asking for a ‘rewrite’
2. How to work with a writer on your new website
3. How to give feedback to a writer
4. Why tone of voice is not your problem…
And do comment to let me know what you think – and to leave some tips of your own!